River Road Stabilisation Works

Contract 1039

To view the official letter sent out to affected residents, please CLICK HERE

OS Construction have been contracted by the Kaipara District Council to carry out construction works on River Road, Dargaville between Liverpool Street and the south (cul-de-sac) end.

These works are scheduled to start on July 1st, 2024 and are predicted to continue through to the end of August 2024.

Works will include:

  • excavation where a slip occurred,

  • timber pile driving with a concrete pile cap

  • construction of a new wave wall along the river side of the roadway.

During these works we will have temporary traffic and pedestrian management in place.  Please follow detours and the directions of our traffic management staff on site and use alternative routes if possible.

Work will be conducted Monday – Saturday, between the hours of 7am – 6pm (day shift). No night shift works are proposed

We do not anticipate that any disruption to access to any properties will be affects, as the works are located on the east (river) side of the rod carriageway.

If you would like more information, you are welcome to contact:

Dan Hogg – Construction Supervisor

Phone: 027 357 4690 or Email: danh@osgroup.co.nz

Alternatively, you may contact Kaipara District Council’s Customer Service Team on 0800 727 059 or 09 439 3123.


Kaitaia Town Square